GRE阅读真题及答案及解析:Passage 64

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GRE阅读真题及答案及解析:Passage 64

2024-07-13 13:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。


有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂。之前为大家推送了Passage 1 – Passage 63的解析,今天继续为大家推出Passage 64(中阅读)解析,这篇阅读一共有1段,带3道题,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

GRE阅读真题Passage 64

In The life of Charlotte Bronte (1857), the first and the most celebrated biography of novelist Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell promoted the long-persisting romantic view of Bronte as having no connection with the rest of English society at a time when industrialization was causing much turbulence, but as having sprung naturally, like so much purple heather, out of the English countryside. Gaskell also portrayed Bronte as irreproachably proper, incapable of “unladylike” feelings or dangerous views; this was at variance with the subversive spirit Matthew Arnold accurately discerned, albeit with distance, deep within Bronte’ s fiction. While correcting many of Gaskell’ s errors and omissions at last, even Winifred Gerin’s Charlotte Bronte: The Evolution of Genius (1967) failed to discard Gaskell’ s viewpoint. Feminist have introduced new interpretations of Bronte’ s life, but it is primarily Juliet Barker who takes into account the larger world that impinged on that life— the changing England in which old divisions of class and gender were under pressure.

GRE阅读真题答案解析 第一句 :

In The life of Charlotte Bronte (1857), the first and the most celebrated biography of novelist Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell promoted the long-persisting romantic view of Bronte as having no connection with the rest of English society at a time when industrialization was causing much turbulence, but as having sprung naturally, like so much purple heather, out of the English countryside.

白话版讲解: 《夏洛特·勃朗特的生平》是有关小说家夏洛特·勃朗特的第一本,同时也是最出名的一本传记。在这本书中,Elizabeth Gaskell(伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔)宣扬了一种长期以来的,有关夏洛特·勃朗特的浪漫主义观点。这种观点认为勃朗特并没有和当时的英国社会产生什么关联(当时英国正处于因为工业化而造成的动荡不安的年代),而是像紫色的帚石楠花一样,自然而然地从英国乡村中成长了起来。


第二句 :

Gaskell also portrayed Bronte as irreproachably proper, incapable of “unladylike” feelings or dangerous views; this was at variance with the subversive spirit Matthew Arnold accurately discerned, albeit with distance, deep within Bronte’ s fiction.

白话版讲解: 同时,Gaskell 还把勃朗特描述成一个无可挑剔的、得体的人,没有产生”不淑女“的感情或者是危险的想法。这与 Matthew Arnold(马修·阿诺德)准确地在勃朗特的小说中体会出的、深藏其中的颠覆精神相矛盾。

这句话提到了 Gaskell 和 Matthew Arnold 两人对勃朗特的看法。前者认为勃朗特是一个做事得体的“乖乖女”,而后者则在勃朗特的小说中,看到了她叛逆的一面。

第三句 :

While correcting many of Gaskell’ s errors and omissions at last, even Winifred Gerin’s Charlotte Bronte: The Evolution of Genius (1967) failed to discard Gaskell’ s viewpoint.

白话版讲解: 甚至 Winifred Gerin 在她的著作 Charlotte Bronte: The Evolution of Genius(1967) 这本书 中也没有抛弃 Gaskell 的这个观点,尽管她最终还是纠正了 Gaskell 很多的错误以及有所 遗漏的地方。

这句话提到了第三个人对勃朗特的看法,Winifred Gerin 整体上来说,是支持 Gaskell 的 观点和看法的。

第四句 :

Feminist have introduced new interpretations of Bronte’ s life, but it is primarily Juliet Barker who takes into account the larger world that impinged on that life— the changing England in which old divisions of class and gender were under pressure.

白话版讲解: 女权主义对勃朗特的生平有了新的解释,但主要是 Juliet Barker 她考虑到了对勃朗特的生活产生影响的更大的世界——也就是变化中的英格兰,英格兰过去的阶层和性别区分正处于压力之下。 这句话说明了女权主义对于勃朗特的看法,其中重点提到了 Juliet Barker。女权主义中,主要是她认为当时的社会变化(主要是社会阶层方面的变化,以及男女在权力和义务方面的变化)对勃朗特是有影响的。

GRE阅读真题题目解析 1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. c onsider similarities in several studies of Charlotte Bronte’ s life.

B. d efend a particular view of Charlotte Bronte’ life.

C. d iscuss a change in perspective on Charlotte Bronte’ s life.

D. d epict the social environment in which Charlotte Bronte lived.

E. p ortray Charlotte Bronte as an early feminist writer.

白话版讲解: 题目一:本文的主旨大意是什么?

这道题的正确答案是 C。 这篇文章按照时间顺序描述了 Elizabeth Gaskell 、Matthew Arnold、 Winifred Gerin 以及近代女权主义(主要是 Juliet Barker )这些人对勃朗特生活的看法。这些人对勃朗特的看法并不完全一致,是在不断变化的。






2. The passage suggest that Matthew Arnold disapproved of Charlotte Bronte’ s fiction insofar as he believed that it

A. overly romanticized the English countryside.

B. contained dangerous ideas buried within it.

C. perpetuated outmoded social distinctions.

D. failed to represent industrialized society realistically.

E. reflected an excessive concern with propriety.

白话版讲解: 题目二: 文章认为,Matthew Arnold 不认可夏洛特·勃朗特的小说,到了一个程度他认为这本小说怎么样?

这道题的正确答案是 B。这道题考查的是 Matthew Arnold 对于夏洛特·勃朗特的小说的看法。原文在第二句有提到相关内容。

A. 将英国的乡村地区过度浪漫化。

B.包含了一些危险的观点。(符合原文第二句的内容。原文第二句提到,Matthew Arnold 准确地在勃朗特的小说中体会出的、深藏其中的颠覆精神,原文中的 subversive spirit 和该选项的 dangerous ideas 是同义替换的关系)




3. The passage suggest that Gaskell’ s biography of Charlotte Bronte advanced the idea that Bronte was

A. one of the most celebrated of the romantic novelist.

B. an outspoken advocate of the social change.

C. opposed to the industrialization of England.

D. strongly influenced by the social upheaval of the times.

E. chiefly the product of a rustic environment.

白话版讲解: 题目三: 文章认为, Gaskell 有关夏洛特.勃朗特的传记宣扬了这个有关勃朗特的看法,即勃朗特是一个怎样的人?

这道题的正确答案是 E。原文在第一、二句提到了 Gaskell 对夏洛特.勃朗特的看法。





E.是一个主要在乡村的环境中成长起来的人。(符合原文第一句的内容。这个选项是对原文第一句话中的 …but as having sprung naturally, like so much purple heather, out of the English countryside 进行了同义改写。)

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